Best Open Source Software Projects
Bibliothèques Open Source
une collection massive des meilleurs logiciels open source au monde
Adversarial Attacks170 📦
Adversarial Example32 📦
Adversarial Examples73 📦
Adversarial Learning80 📦
Adversarial Machine Learning97 📦
Algebraic Data Types56 📦
Algolia Search30 📦
Algolia139 📦
Algorithm Challenges103 📦
Algorithm Competitions26 📦
Algorithm1165 📦
Algorithmic Trading206 📦
Algorithms And Data Structures204 📦
Algorithms Datastructures52 📦
Algorithms Implemented54 📦
Android Application1040 📦
Android Architecture Components111 📦
Android Architecture229 📦
Android Component11 📦
Android Development579 📦
Android Security54 📦
Android Studio Plugin34 📦
Android Studio476 📦
Android Things61 📦
Android Tutorial29 📦
Angular Components104 📦
Angular Directives39 📦
Angular Library36 📦
Angular Material163 📦
Angular Universal39 📦
Applescript115 📦
Application Insights47 📦
Application Security66 📦
Application Server31 📦
Application498 📦
Architectural Patterns66 📦
Architectural8 📦
Architecture Components198 📦
Architecture Guidelines14 📦
Architecture839 📦
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis52 📦
Aspect Oriented Programming45 📦
Aspect Ratio29 📦
Aspectj23 📦
Aspnet Core237 📦
Saisie automatique387
Saisie semi-automatique100
Encodeur automatique262
Encodeurs automatiques64
Touche de raccourci automatique158
Mise en page automatique120
Chargeur automatique18 heures
Mappeur automatique69
Apprentissage automatique automatisé55
Tests automatisés104
API automatique26
Battery132 📦
Bayesian Data Analysis43 📦
Bayesian Inference265 📦
Bayesian Methods63 📦
Bayesian Networks22 📦
Certificate Authority58 📦
Certificate Transparency32 📦
Certificate276 📦
Certificates101 📦
Certification87 📦
China155 📦
Chinese Nlp66 📦
Chinese Simplified39 📦
Chinese Text Segmentation15 📦
Chinese Translation140 📦
Compression566 📦
Compressor54 📦
Computational Biology117 📦
Computational Chemistry100 📦
Computational Geometry115 📦
Computational Linguistics76 📦
Computational Neuroscience45 📦
Compute21 📦
Computer Algebra44 📦
Computer Graphics362 📦
Configs52 📦
Configurable52 📦
Configuration File34 📦
Configuration Files72 📦
Configuration Management294 📦
Container Management23 📦
Container Orchestration23 📦
Container Queries10 📦
Container492 📦
Containerd47 📦
Context145 📦
Contextmenu52 📦
Continuous Delivery273 📦
Continuous Deployment215 📦
Continuous Integration619 📦
Conventional Commits47 📦
Conventions56 📦
Conversation84 📦
Conversational Agents27 📦
Conversational Ai82 📦
Convolution88 📦
Convolutional Networks87 📦
Convolutional Neural Network112 📦
Convolutional Neural Networks1137 📦
Cookbook162 📦
Cryptocurrencies248 📦
Cryptocurrency Exchanges115 📦
Cryptocurrency1252 📦
Cryptography Library34 📦
Cryptography1184 📦
Deep Learning Tutorial110 📦
Deep Learning1157 📦
Deep Linking19 📦
Deep Neural Networks1118 📦
Deep Q Network62 📦
Dependency Graph77 📦
Dependency Injection Container32 📦
Dependency Injection664 📦
Dependency Management26 📦
Dependency Manager113 📦
Developers83 📦
Development Environment178 📦
Development Tools101 📦
Development Workflow28 📦
Development560 📦
Distance102 📦
Distributed Actors16 📦
Distributed Computing258 📦
Distributed Database95 📦
Distributed Ledger80 📦
Distributed Locks12 📦
Distributed Storage45 📦
Distributed Systems688 📦
Distributed Tracing166 📦
Distributed Transactions37 📦
Dom Manipulation44 📦
Dom445 📦
Domain Adaptation210 📦
Domain Driven Design247 📦
Domain Specific Language54 📦
Encrypted44 📦
Encryption Decryption51 📦
Encryption992 📦
End To End Encryption126 📦
End To End Testing64 📦
Entities54 📦
Entity Component System156 📦
Entity Component33 📦
Entity Extraction45 📦
Entity Framework Core223 📦
Feathers.js52 📦
Feature Engineering161 📦
Feature Extraction207 📦
Feature Flags135 📦
Feature Selection117 📦
Firebase Admin Sdk12 📦
Firebase Admin20 📦
Firebase Auth334 📦
Firebase Authentication106 📦
Firebase Cloud Messaging113 📦
Firebase Database253 📦
Firebase Db24 📦
Firebase Firestore89 📦
Firebase Functions95 📦
Firebase Hosting52 📦
Functional Reactive Programming97 📦
Functional Testing36 📦
Functional378 📦
Functions As A Service58 📦
Functions192 📦
Generation121 📦
Generative Adversarial Network670 📦
Generative Adversarial Networks102 📦
Generative Art251 📦
Generative Model227 📦
Google API134 📦
Google Appengine40 📦
Google Apps Script123 📦
Google Assistant74 📦
Google Authenticator44 📦
Google Calendar105 📦
Google Charts28 📦
Google Chrome136 📦
Google Cloud Functions49 📦
Google Cloud Platform240 📦
Graph Classification36 📦
Graph Convolutional Networks131 📦
Graph Database187 📦
Graph Embedding75 📦
Graph Neural Network77 📦
Graph Neural Networks325 📦
Graph Representation Learning45 📦
Graph Theory107 📦
Graph Visualization53 📦
Graph1078 📦
Hierarchical Data27 📦
Hierarchy71 📦
High Availability128 📦
High Dimensional Data24 📦
High Performance Computing155 📦
Image Manipulation251 📦
Image Optimization82 📦
Image Picker52 📦
Image Processing1180 📦
Image Recognition251 📦
Image Retrieval152 📦
Image Search55 📦
Image Segmentation290 📦
Image Synthesis55 📦
Image To Image Translation75 📦
Information Extraction158 📦
Information Gathering190 📦
Information Retrieval251 📦
Information Security111 📦
Information Theory48 📦
Interaction59 📦
Interactive Fiction100 📦
Interactive Visualizations68 📦
Interactive301 📦
Interceptor103 📦
Interoperability104 📦
Interpolation136 📦
Interpolator8 📦
Interpretability141 📦
Interpretable Machine Learning54 📦
Interpreter710 📦
Intersection Observer58 📦
Intersectionobserver28 📦
Interval64 📦
Interview Practice148 📦
Intrusion Detection85 📦
Inventory Management72 📦
Inventory176 📦
Inverse Problems54 📦
Inversion Of Control77 📦
Javascript Applications48 📦
Javascript Client31 📦
Javascript Engine36 📦
Javascript Framework135 📦
Javascript Game95 📦
Kubernetes Cluster275 📦
Kubernetes Controller81 📦
Kubernetes Deployment153 📦
Kubernetes Monitoring44 📦
Kubernetes Networking22 📦
Language Model261 📦
Language Modeling48 📦
Language Server Protocol150 📦
Language Server129 📦
Language1100 📦
Macbook49 📦
Mach O32 📦
Machine Learning Algorithms536 📦
Machine Learning Library65 📦
Machine Learning Models46 📦
Magento2 Extension Free95 📦
Magento2 Extension235 📦
Magento2 Free Extension34 📦
Magento2 Module Free43 📦
Magento2 Module264 📦
Medical Image Computing35 📦
Medical Image Processing111 📦
Medical Imaging328 📦
Medical132 📦
Medium Editor17 📦
Microservice1054 📦
Microservices Architecture198 📦
Microservices1113 📦
Microsoft Bot Framework48 📦
Microsoft Cognitive Services34 📦
Multi Core24 📦
Multi Label Classification75 📦
Multi Label22 📦
Multi Language59 📦
Multi Objective Optimization41 📦
Nativescript201 📦
Nats120 📦
Natural Language Generation118 📦
Natural Language Processing1191 📦
Natural Language Understanding203 📦
Network Monitoring170 📦
Network Programming106 📦
Network Security104 📦
Network Visualization97 📦
Network1143 📦
Networking1038 📦
Neural Architecture Search126 📦
Neural Machine Translation116 📦
Neural Nets26 📦
Neural Network1150 📦
Objc59 📦
Object Detection1126 📦
Object Oriented Programming132 📦
Object Oriented127 📦
Object Recognition47 📦
Payment Gateway205 📦
Payment Integration91 📦
Payment Methods35 📦
Payment Module30 📦
Payment Processing56 📦
Penetration Testing Framework41 📦
Penetration Testing565 📦
Pentest Scripts50 📦
Pentest Tool278 📦
Pentest453 📦
Performance Metrics87 📦
Performance Monitoring113 📦
Performance Test23 📦
Performance Testing167 📦
Performance Tuning43 📦
Person Reidentification68 📦
Personal Assistant38 📦
Personal Blog59 📦
Personal Finance42 📦
Personal Site59 📦
Program Synthesis35 📦
Programmer76 📦
Programming Contests62 📦
Programming Language1053 📦
Programming Languages143 📦
Progressbar167 📦
Progressive Rendering9 📦
Progressive Web App307 📦
Progressive Web Apps35 📦
Progressive30 📦
Quantum Algorithms62 📦
Quantum Chemistry97 📦
Quantum Computing292 📦
Quantum Mechanics68 📦
Quantum Programming Language30 📦
React Router Dom85 📦
React Router Redux24 📦
React Router V4169 📦
React Router669 📦
React Starter Kit18 📦
Recommendation Engine63 📦
Recommendation System186 📦
Recommendation89 📦
Recommender System389 📦
Recommender Systems74 📦
Recyclerview Adapter143 📦
Recyclerview Item Animation18 📦
Recyclerview Multi Type36 📦
Recyclerview578 📦
Red Team134 📦
Reimplementation50 📦
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms127 📦
Reinforcement Learning1195 📦
Relation Extraction148 📦
Relational Databases52 📦
Repository Pattern159 📦
Repository312 📦
Representation Learning239 📦
Reproducibility168 📦
Reproducible Research204 📦
Science424 📦
Scientific Computing316 📦
Scientific Machine Learning82 📦
Scientific Visualization63 📦
Scientific57 📦
Self Hosting38 📦
Self Supervised Learning219 📦
Selfhosted82 📦
Semantic Mediawiki16 📦
Semantic Release54 📦
Semantic Segmentation589 📦
Semantic UI React44 📦
Semantic UI137 📦
Semantic Versioning62 📦
Semantic Web171 📦
Server Side Rendering363 📦
Server Side Swift188 📦
Server Side70 📦
Server1169 📦
Serverless Applications35 📦
Serverless Architectures58 📦
Serverless Framework344 📦
Serverless Functions93 📦
Serverless Plugin78 📦
Serverless1221 📦
Single Header Lib81 📦
Single Page App192 📦
Single Page Applications81 📦
Single Sign On39 📦
Singleton55 📦
Social Buttons23 📦
Social Engineering54 📦
Social Login85 📦
Social Media318 📦
Social Network Analysis68 📦
Software Defined Radio53 📦
Software Development102 📦
Software Engineering221 📦
Software Testing49 📦
Software267 📦
Spring Boot Starter84 📦
Spring Boot1162 📦
Spring Cloud Core20 📦
Spring Cloud Netflix36 📦
Spring Cloud Sleuth12 📦
States41 📦
Static Analysis554 📦
Static Analyzer55 📦
Static Code Analysis191 📦
Static Site Generation34 📦
Statistical Inference23 📦
Statistical Learning66 📦
Statistical Models44 📦
Statistical Tests27 📦
Statistics1063 📦
Temperature Sensor52 📦
Temperature144 📦
Template Engine324 📦
Template Language46 📦
Template Literals26 📦
Tensorflow Examples109 📦
Tensorflow Experiments68 📦
Tensorflow JS49 📦
Tensorflow Lite136 📦
Tensorflow Models117 📦
Timber75 📦
Time Series Analysis157 📦
Time Series Classification36 📦
Time Series Forecasting66 📦
Time Series685 📦
Video Player294 📦
Video Processing276 📦
Video Recording64 📦
Video Streaming194 📦
Video Understanding55 📦
Visual Basic64 📦
Visual Effects19 📦
Visual Programming Language28 📦
Visual Programming57 📦
Visual Regression Testing28 📦
Visual Regression33 📦
Visual Search18 📦
Visual Studio Code Extension58 📦
Visual Studio Code379 📦
Visual Studio Extension121 📦
Vulnerabilities201 📦
Vulnerability Assessment60 📦
Vulnerability Detection123 📦
Vulnerability Management50 📦
Vulnerability Scanner71 📦
Web Application Framework35 📦
Web Application Security32 📦
Web Application408 📦
Web Archiving30 📦
Web Assembly42 📦
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